Don't let holiday décor be a scrooge to your listing

The holiday's are a wonderful time of year, however, they present a unique challenge to real estate agents who are looking to list a clients' home in the midst of holiday festivities. Garland, tensile, and twinkling lights are beautiful, but not always for someone trying to sell their home. Holiday decor, if not staged properly, may not be the professional look you may be looking for your listing. Large items like trees make a room look smaller, while other items may not be tasteful to prospective buys. Plus, having a home furnished as winter wonderland sends a big, clear message as to how long the home has been on the market.

If the decor cannot wait until photos are taken, we have a few suggestions for getting your home ready for listing photos while the holiday decor is still up!

  1. It goes without saying, but make sure the home is tidy before holiday decor goes up. Having a clean space to begin with will make any photo look that much better.

  2. Avoid large decorations that take the attention away from space and not the decor. Remember, you are trying to sell the space, not Frosty.

  3. Set up smaller trees to make a room look larger.

  4. Use decor with similar color palettes and styles that already exist within the home.

  5. Consider booking a First Look appointment from us. First Look appointments are a great way to get your listing up on the market now, while giving you the flexibility of a second callout for us to comeback out after the decor is taken down for the season.

Finally, once the holidays are over and we bring in the new year, take down decorations promptly!

If you are listing a home this holiday season, Top Down Photography & Imaging has a solution for you! Book a First Look appointment to get all of the exteriors done today, and then, when the holiday's are over, book your follow-up appointment to complete the interiors


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